Saturday, July 24, 2010

A Great Week!

I've got a couple firsts of Zoey Jane's that I want to log!!

July 22nd: Zoey Jane began to smile as her response to us talking and playing with her. It was soooo amazing that I was just playing with her early morning and everytime I did a funny face to her she would respond with an adorable cue and a smile!! It's soooo exciting!

July 23rd: Zoey Jane finally laughed when we tickled her feet oh those cute little itsy bitsy toes!

July 25th : Zoey Jane copies her daddy when he made a few funny noises with his mouth. It was so stinken adorable to see her watch his lips and try to copy the noises!!

It hasn't been all laughs I mean she has been having a few fussy days with an upset tummy and I figure chocolate is the the evil in my life now.... So sad cuz I've been wanting some caramel filled chocolate. Sweets and sugars don't make everything nice especially for little Zoey Jane.

We were able to spend sometime with friends at a BBQ on the 23rd of July and I gotta say little Zoey Jane looked like an adorable little cherry. She was so stinkin cute. We where able to hang out with friends and meet up with everyone at the beautiful Sego's house and of course BBQ. We played outburst, catch phrase and Mafia, it was so fun to hang out and Zoey of course threw a bit of a fit here and there but we finally figured out... or I should say Al figured out that she was cold. Once we swaddled her up in a blanket and held her close to daddy she slept so peacefully. It was great to see friends and family.


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