Sunday, July 29, 2012

Day 13: Love Fights Fair

"If a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand." - Mark 3:25

Setting boundries and rules for yourself ESPECIAlly when arguing is very important!  Letting things get out of hand is simply not acceptable.  Something I have personally learned from family and friends.  Some things are just not accaptable.  Luckily enough Al and I had set some rules when we where first married.  And it's been helpful to follow them. 

Arguing, I understand, can get out of control if you don't check yourself so Al and I brought up our previously set rules and made sure to modify them or just talk over them again.

1. We Will Not Mention Divorce.
2. Never touch one another in a harmful way.
3. When voices begin to raise it's time to call timeout.
4. Never Go to Bed Angry.

While it's rather difficult to calm yourself down especially when you believe your the one with the pont.  It all goes back to all the lessons we've previously learned.  I am very grateful that we have set rules.  God has given us commandments and rules and he does it because of his love for us then why not set rules within our household to protect one another.  I mean honestly Are we really going to call it quits because an argument escelated from something silly like who didn't put the cap on the toothpaste?.... Is that really what our marriage is worth a $1 cap!!


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