Saturday, July 07, 2012

Day 2: Love is Kind July 6

Gentle, Helpful, Willing, and Initiate.

So I guess I could have skipped adding an extra 1st day since with this challenge, you keep adding new dares with with ones previous to it.  I guess it was a good thing though cuz I had a little more practice.  Being kind isn't too hard as long as you enjoy what's going on around you and the people your around.  So I didn't think this would be to hard until we where thrown into some situations that made me hold my tongue. 

We took Zoey Jane to the doctors for her two year visit.  She had to receive shots and I forgot to bring a paper that was suppose to be given to the doctor.  Of course being pregnant and tired I really just wanted to send Al to grab it.  I figured though I had left it at home and lets face it our doctors office is a few blocks down from the house so it wasn't too bad.  Knowing that if I had sent Al he would have been confused at where I had left it maybe causing him to be frustrated.  Later the evening we set fireworks of with neighbors and Zoey got so scared.  Poor thing she was shaking but Al wanted to keep firing them off.  I was getting a bit frustrated but instead of getting angry I decided to comfort her the best way possible and let Al enjoy his evening since he had been at work all day.  Both of the situations could have gone very different if i had acted up.  We really enjoyed family time together!  My initial act though was to clean and organize his side of the bed.  His little isleway to the bed was lined with computer boxes, random paper, school books and who knows what. 

My side of the bed is usual really well kept and I get on Al's case to clean it up. He usually can't get into bed without tripping or hopping over things.  How frustrating is that in the mornings to start your day off like that or night when your all pooped out after a long day.  His nightstand is a shuffle of... well I don't really know but things get lost once set down!!  So I figured I would put forward some effort and clean it up for him.  I mean usually being a SAHM you clean things up and they may go unnoticed.  Alex noticed though, with a hug and a thank you I noticed he had laid out all his things exactly where they should be.  It did not go unnoticed at all and if anything it made me love him even more for his appreciation.  One RANDOM Simple act of kindness can really change the attitude of in the home.


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